And then there was one…

One. The loneliest number? I think not.

One week until my first full day living in London.
Surrounded by millions of people from all over the world.

One more day of work this summer.
Serving dozens of customers and politely asking every person with a British accent where they are from.

One suitcase left to pack.
Lost in the mountains of clothes that have taken-over my bedroom floor.  How am I ever going to fit 3 months worth of clothes in 2 suitcases?!

One new city.
One new culture.
One new experience.

I’m not afraid of the number one.

I can’t wait to be one new student exploring London, **2011’s world fashion capital, according to a recent Reuters survey:

“Based on a system that tracks the frequency of words and phrases in print, electronic and social media, London moved up from third to first place in 2011, ousting New York from the top spot it had held in the survey for several years.”

Two words:  Alexander. McQueen.

Too bad I missed the summer music festivals in London, where next season’s trends are first spotted.

Blending into the scenery... Photo cred: Ekta

Close up on new top. Photo cred: Ekta

What do you think of the new top? Yay or Nay? Leave comments, I love the feedback =)


**Ironically, the article refers to Kate Middleton as a “fashion icon.” See my previous post on this topic.